
15 Intimate Partner Violence

Jill McHale, part II: IPV


Jill returns for a follow-up visit, after being diagnosed 2 months ago with depression.  She thinks that the medication you prescribed is helping but still feels stressed, and definitely appears so.  Jill is with her husband Brian (also your patient).  You are aware that Brian is also in a relationship with one of your other patients Julia Santiago.  When you politely ask Brian how he is doing, he replies, “fine, if I could be at work instead of having to drive Jill around to all her appointments.”

Questions to Consider

  • What is the best way to continue the interview about Jill’s depression?
  • What primary issues will you address?
  • How will you deal with the anger displayed by her husband?

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, the active participant will be able to:

  1. Define the prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States
  2. Identify common presentations in patients suffering from Intimate Partner Violence.
  3. Describe some of the reasons people stay in violent relationships.
  4. Appropriately screen and interview a patient about domestic violence.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to facilitate a safety plan for a victim of Intimate Partner Violence.

Required Reading: Intimate Partner Violence

Required Reading: Power & Control

Resource: https://www.casamyrna.org

PP Screening for IPV


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