
8 Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus


Antonio Santiago is a 55 year old man who was diagnosed a decade ago with type 2 diabetes. His wife Marta loves to cook, especially rice dishes and delicious baked goods. Antonio’s BMI is 38 and his last A1c was 7.9.

Family History: His father Carlos died of stroke at age 84. His mother Margarita is alive at age 81; she also has type 2 diabetes. He has two older brothers: Diego, 61, has hypertension, and Juan, 57, has no diagnoses.

Questions to Consider

  • What tests would you order (if any)?
  • What are the most important interventions and treatments?
  • What are the goals of care?

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, the active participant will be able to:

  1. Use the Rule of 3’s framework for managing type 2 diabetes.
  2. Describe the macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes and name the interventions or tests appropriate for preventing or managing each.
  3. List the numeric benchmarks for type 2 diabetes care.
  4. Apply the most updated lipid guidelines.

Diabetes Mellitus: The Rule of Three’s
A model to Facilitate Comprehensive Care for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Micro-Vascular Complications Blood Sugar Control Macro-Vascular Complications
1. EYES (Retinopathy)Annual visit with Ophthamologist 1. HEMOGLOBIN A1CCheck every 3-6 months
Goal is less than 8
1. HYPERTENSIONSystolic BP <140
Diastolic BP <90
2. KIDNEYS (Nephropathy)Annual screen for Microalbuminuria
ACE-Inhibitor for HTN, Microalbuminuria
Follow Renal Function (Creatinine)
2. LIFESTYLENutrition
2. LIPIDSFollow 2013 AHA/ACC Guideline
Emphasize level of risk instead of LDL
3. FEET (Neuropathy)Patient Education: Foot Care
Inspect Patient’s Feet
Podiatry as needed
3. MEDICATIONSMetformin First-Line
OHA’s as endogenous insulin ↓
3. CAD/CVA PreventionSmoking Cessation, Nutrition, Activity
Stress ↓: Yoga, Meditation, Therapy
ASA: only if risk factors

Created by Wayne Altman, MD (Tufts Family Medicine)

Required Reading: Diabetes Mellitus 

Required Reading: Type 2 Diabetes Therapies: A STEPS Approach

Required Reading: Oral Medications


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