
Student Assignments and Expectations

Attendance and Participation

ICR is an interactive course and students will be required to work closely with both fellow students and faculty members in working through the cases. Attendance at and active participation in all discussion sections is required. Planned absences must be approved in advance by the Office of Student Affairs. Individual faculty members and course directors cannot excuse a student from a discussion section.

Course Assignments

See below for a list of course assignments:

  1. Online pre-class cases must be completed prior to the in-class discussion section.
    1. Each week, discussion questions based on the pre-class case will be assigned. These questions will be discussed in the faculty-led classroom sessions and all students should be prepared for this discussion. Faculty will call on students to provide their answers to the discussion questions at the beginning of the in-class sessions and student responses will factor into their class performance grade.
  2. Online quizzes can be found on Canvas and must be submitted by 8AM on the Tuesday morning of the weekly discussion sessions. Quizzes are required.  There is no quiz the first week.
  3. Self-directed learning assignments will be completed twice by each student during the course. The results should be written up and sent via email to the small group faculty instructor; the second of these will additionally be presented to the small group during one of the discussion sections (the schedule will be sent out and posted on Canvas).
  4. Peer-to-Peer feedback: After the completion of the course, students will be required to provide feedback to the other members of the small group on their small group participation and interactions. This feedback will be shared with each student’s coach. The course directors will not see this feedback and peer-to-peer feedback does not count toward the ICR grade.
  5. The ICR Bayesian Reasoning Assignment will be completed in the second half of the course. The assignment and submission form are available on Canvas. The due date will be published to Canvas in the Fall.

Grading Policy

You will receive an overall grade for ICR, which includes EBM. ICR will make up 75% and EBM will make up 25% of this overall grade.

The EBM component of the grade is as follows:

Individual quizzes: 15%

EBM MCQ Questions on ICR Final: 10%

The ICR grade will be based on the following:

25% Small Group Performance

35% Final Exam

10% OSCE Write-Up

5% ICR Bayesian Reasoning Assignment

Pre-Class Cases and Quizzes

All pre-class cases and quizzes are required and must be completed by the noted deadlines.  The pre-class cases open on Canvas at least one week prior to the discussion sessions and close on the Tuesday morning of the discussion session. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all cases and assignments are properly submitted on Canvas. Late assignments will not be accepted and deadlines will not be extended.

Small Group Performance – 25 Points

This grade is assigned by the small group faculty and is based on quality of student contributions to discussion (including assigned discussion questions on pre-class cases), attendance, active participation, demonstration of student competence in the application of the principles of clinical reasoning (see course Learning Objectives), and self-directed learning assignments.

Final Exam – 35 Points

The final exam will be in January, 2024 (date TBD) and will have multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

OSCE Write-Up – 10 Points

Students will do a one-station OSCE as part of the CAP evaluation/test and the write-up for this OSCE is part of the ICR grade. The ICR aspect of the grade is based on the reasoning in the case completed. Students will participate in a practice OSCE in the Fall that will help in preparation for the graded OSCE. See Canvas for details.

ICR Bayesian Reasoning Assignment – 5 Points

The instructions for this assignment, as well as a template submission form are on Canvas.

Schedule and Due Dates

Week 1: Abdominal Pain (Week of 2/27/23)


Case and assignment due: 2/28 @8AM

Week 2: GI bleeding (Week of 3/13/23)


Case and assignment due: 3/14 @8AM

Week 3: Acute Kidney Injury (Week of 4/3/23)


Case and assignment due: 4/4 @8AM

Week 4: Pediatric Fever (Week of 4/17/23)


Case and assignment due: 4/18  @8AM

Week 5: Dyspnea (Week of 5/1/23)


Case and assignment due: 5/2 @ @8AM

Week 6: Syncope  (Week of 5/15/23)


Case and assignment due: 5/16 @8AM

Week 7: Chest pain (Week of 9/11/23)


Case and assignment due: 9/12 @8AM

Week 8:  Headache (Week of 9/25/23)


Case and assignment due: 9/26 @8AM

Week 9:  Weakness (Week of 10/9/23)


Case and assignment due: 10/10 @8AM

Week 10: Limp in a child (Week of 10/30/23)


Case and assignment due: 10/31 @8AM

Week 11: Back pain (Week of 11/13/23)


Case and assignment due: 11/14 @8AM

Week 12: Uncertainty (Week of 11/27/23)


Case and assignment due: 11/28 @8AM

Week 13: Altered mental status (Week of 12/11/23)


Case and assignment due: 12/12 @8AM

Week 14: Amenorrhea (Week of 1/8/24)


Case and assignment due: 1/9 @8AM



2023-2024 M26 Introduction to Clinical Reasoning Syllabus Copyright © by Scott Epstein, MD and Robert Trowbridge, MD. All Rights Reserved.