
Attendance Policy

Due to illness or other emergency, students may be granted ONE (1) excused absence during the rotation without needing to make up the day. More than one day missed for excused absences must be made up clinically. 

An excused absence MUST be excused through the clerkship director and/or the Dean’s office. A site preceptor cannot excuse a student.

Excused absences are typically granted only for illness or other serious emergency. Attending a wedding, presenting at a conference, and other worthy endeavors do NOT constitute excused absences and students may not miss clinical obligations for these reasons even if they offer to make up the time. There are no personal days during the clinical years. Please note, students have 6 weeks of vacation during 3rd year outside of rotation time.

Preceptors report if and how many days their student(s) missed on the final evaluation form.

Didactic days are mandatory. 

If you need to call out sick you should contact your preceptor first and foremost.  Please contact them directly.  Also, please let Dr. Cyr, cyrp@mmc.org and Michelle Freitas, freitm@mmc.org  know as well.  



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